- Courage for Freedom was founded on a farm near London originally called Farmtown Canada. Its programming initially offered help for kids who were struggling to find a place to stay.
To end human trafficking, gender-based violence and sexual exploitation by raising awareness, decreasing stigma, replacing myths with facts in education and training, advancing survivor initiated and led solution measures in care and leadership.
Inspire survivors in resilience, self care and skill development exploration for life navigation to reach their goals and potential. Mentor survivors to help them explore and develop strengths to rebuild their lives. Provide direct care opportunities and standards to foster self direction pathways for deserving girls, young women and survivors. Challenge industries and communities to invest resources to liberate vulnerable young women to see their potential and aspire to a hope filled future.
Educate in prevention with a focused approach in community responsibility and civic duty models.
Train advocate ambassadors to speak to leaders and encourage governmental will in policies, programs, funding decisions and responsibilities.
Program provide person centric-strength based relationships to assist survivors to find safe, sustainable housing, employment and supports.
Program provide person centric-strength based relationships to assist survivors to find safe, sustainable housing, employment and supports.
“Freedom is the courage to outswim your doubts so far into the deep water that they can’t reach you anymore.”
-Kelly Tallon Franklin, Courage for Freedom Vol. 1 book
Kelly Tallon Franklin is the founder and Chief Executive Director of Courage for Freedom, a Canadian-leading organization who exists to educate, train, and certify front-line and community service providers on proven strategies and prevention tactics to serve vulnerable victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Kelly is an international and national anti human trafficking task force chairperson with Business and Professional Women and has been acknowledged and awarded many accolades globally as a survivor advocate and activist champion of minor aged children and youth. Kelly, her teams, allies and their projects have created awareness movements and developed support for victim survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation that include equine therapy, trauma informed and person centric care approaches. These are revered and respected with Kelly’s lived experience as a survivor, best-selling author, award-winning speaker, respected advocate, and trainer on the issue of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, policy and protection and of course her equines.
Kelly is a survivor of human trafficking and child sexual exploitation and has a personal story of transformation, hope and resiliency having overcome violence, drug addiction, sexual abuse, exploitation, coercion, and incarceration. Kelly offers honest incites and creative understanding to listeners and those she trains. Those include front line workers, politicians, coalitions, triage/hospital staff, police officers and instructors, women’s organizations, chambers of commerce, hotel/motel and travel industry sectors, educators/teachers and religions organizations, unions, and services agencies. Her unconventional story telling with lived experiences motivates and ignites passion and purpose.
“I am not afraid – freedom is the courage to out swim” - Courage for Freedom volume 1
If you are working on a story or research related to human trafficking, looking for expert consultation, professional training, community education awareness or a group wanting action strategy consultation please contact Office@courageforfreedom.org A spokesperson who is experienced, professional and knowledgeable can provide facts, research data, and expert commentary about victim/survivors, family and community lived scenarios and solution responses.
Gareth Williams is a Senior Staff Development Officer for the Ministry of the Solicitor General, formerly a Probation and Parole Officer. Gareth has studied at Carleton University, Algonquin College, and Inter University Center in Croatia a Bachelors Degree (Honors) in Criminology and Criminal Justice with a concentration in Sociology, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Victimology and a Post Graduate in Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. Gareth is Vice President of the Probation Officers Association of Ontario and has been Co-chair of KFL&A Anti-Human Trafficking Working Group since 2018. Gareth is certified in Train the Trainer Level III Professional/Industry Sector Specialized Training on Advanced Practical Approaches for Victim/Survivors of Sexual Exploitation. Gareth co-lead #ProjectMapleLeaf Canadian Task Force campaign in 2021 and currently serves the Courage for Freedom Board as a Director Leader and Ambassador Advisor presenting training . Gareth is known as a dedicated and passionate Probation Officer and has a growing focus on the awareness and eradication of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Canada.
Heather Ellis has been an Ontario Certified Teacher at Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board in Belleville since 2012, with a teaching career going back to 2001. Heather received a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Education from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, along with many other teaching qualifications. Heather is Co-lead who developed Courage for Freedoms ProjectONroute now #ProjectMapleLeaf and is an Executive Lead of the Canadian Task Force. Heather is immediate Past President of Business and Professional Women Ontario and is the President of the Courage for Freedom Board as a Director Leader and Ambassador. She is an advocate, activist wife, Mom and grandmother whose passion for this issue ensured a womens organization learned how to change the future for vulnerable women and girls through education and self-directed supports.
Colleen Babiuk-Ilkiw
Certified Executive Coach/Vice President Business and Professional Women of Canada
Kate Quinn
Executive Director of CEASE
Jackie Reimer
Founder/Program Director of Next Step Ministries
Janet Gobert
Community Initiatives Coordinator/ Director of Programming Bonnyville Canadian Native Friendship Centre
Vanessa Schneider
Marketing and Communications Professional/Canfitpro Certified Personal Trainer
Carol Metz Murray
Certified DYBO Facilitator/Courage Catalyst Coach/International Author
Vanessa Tynedal
Sales director for Atria Retirement Canada/BPW member
Jennie Baker
Maritime PAOC District Children’s Director/Family Life Director Glad Tidings
Joanne Murray
Former Executive Director of the John Howard Society Moncton, New Brunswick (27 years)
Maryam Hajheidari
Former Project Outreach coordinator at Women’s Organization
Kaberi Sarma-Debnath
Executive Director, Multicultural Women's Organization of Newfoundland and Labrador
Yamuna Kutty
President, Multicultural Women's Organization of Newfoundland and Labrador
Shelley Sprague
Artist/Survivor Advocate/Healthcare
Bernadette MacDonald
Women Centred Services/Social Justice Women’s sex-based rights Advocate
Dini Petty
Influencer/Media Mogul Barrier breaker for women in broadcasting/Dini Petty Show on CTV
Kathi Black
Hospitality Industry/Luxury Global Tour and Travel Coach
Ashley Boyes
Lawyer, Human Rights Activist
Marina Elsener
Director, Sustainable Development, Diversity & Inclusion, Accor
Andrea Torrance
Senior Vice President, Guest Experience, Accor
Johanna Downey
Former Peel Regional Councilor
Richard Dunwoody
Financial Sector Business Executive/Venture Capitalist
Kelly Tallon Franklin
Survivor and Founder of Courage for Freedom
Karin Gorgerat
Past President Business and Professional Women Canada
Gareth Williams
Vice President Ontario Probation Association/Probation and Parole Officer - Ministry of Solicitor General
Heather Ellis
Specialized Education Teacher/Past President BPW Ontario
Jason MacDonald
Phil Taylor
PAOC PEI Minister/Advocate for Voiceless and Vulnerable
Youth - JP
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