The fight to listen to minor aged victim/survivors is in the public eye today. The next week and months will make a huge difference if we continue to fight for vulnerable children and their families. We will need your help.
This week a Global News documentary by Sawyer Bogdan, Children for sale: Canada’s youth at the heart of the rising sex trade, featured Courage for Freedom, Kelly Tallon Franklin and a survivor.
Founder, survivor and CED of Courage for Freedom Kelly Tallon Franklin is responding with an immediate call to action stating "justice for survivors requires that this impunity ends NOW."
"We have always been here in this work, amplifying minor aged victim/survivor voices with solution focused action for the public to take alongside governmental will, child protection and police protection demands for the safety and rights of our children to be strengthened."
"We will not be silent,
and we need the public to voice with us now."
Listen to Sawyer
Listen to Kelly
Read More Here
Additionally this past week on Thursday, Ian Lafreniere, Quebec's Indigenous Affairs Minister and a former police officer, said "changes need to be made to help police officers conduct investigations and to help victims remove videos from the internet.
The report by the Quebec Select Committee made these same recommendations and additionally recommended "to make the necessary legal changes to force websites and other online platforms to co-operate with police to erase all data connected with victims of sexual exploitation." This included changing the definition of place in the criminal code to cover all jurisdictions regardless of host content location (of a company operating out of Canada.)
You can help to raise awareness
1. Share the Global News article to your friends and family through social media and email.
2. Connect to our social media channels
3. Join the #ProjectMapleLeaf movement and add your voice to ours by taking the #EradicateChallenge.
Simply print the sign and post a photo or video to your social media channels with the hashtags #EradicateChallenge #EndChildTrafficking, #ProjectMapleLeaf. Then tag and ask your friends, family, groups, watch parties, and co-workers to do the same.
As you join this movement, we will grow and raise awareness to eradicate human trafficking and sexual exploitation of our children with facts, solutions, and demand for answers together.
Thank you,
Courage for Freedom Team
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