The fight to listen to minor aged victim/survivors is in the public eye today. The next week and months will make a huge difference if we continue to fight for vulnerable children and their families. We will need your help.
1) MINDGEEK (Pornhub) profits from the abuse of thousands of victims of child sexual abuse, sex trafficking, rape and non-consensual produced pornography uploaded to their sites.
2) Mindgeek (a Canadian Business) owns Pornhub that attracts 3.5 billion visits a month, more than Netflix, Yahoo or Amazon. Pornhub rakes in money from almost three billion ad impressions a day. One ranking lists Pornhub as the 10th-most-visited website in the world.
3) Canada has become a hotbed for human sex trafficking of minor-aged children. According to police-reported data collected between 2009 and 2016, 72% of victims of human trafficking were under 25 years of age.
4) Survivor Rose Kalemba broke silence speaking to BBC in a groundbreaking expose in early 2020 and encouraged more survivors who have now come add their factual statements and voices about Pornhub.
5) The New York Times published Journalist Nicholas Kristof's investigation. He was told, "Pornhub become my trafficker," and said "I'm still getting sold, even though I'm five years out of that life."
The New York Times article goes on to report, "Its site is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags."
The article states "a search for "girlsunder18" (no space), or "14yo" leads in each case to more than 100,000 videos. Not all are children being assaulted, too many are.
Also this past week, Ian Lafreniere, Quebec's Indigenous Affairs Minister and a former police officer, said "changes need to be made to help police officers conduct investigations and to help victims remove videos from the internet.
The report by the Quebec Select Committee made these same recommendations and additionally recommended "to make the necessary legal changes to force websites and other online platforms to co-operate with police to erase all data connected with victims of sexual exploitation." This included changing the definition of place in the criminal code to cover all jurisdictions regardless of host content location (of a company operating out of Canada.)
1. Write your elected representatives and ask them to stand up for Canadian children.
Contact Canadian Senators by Mail at:
Senate of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4
Contact the Prime Minister of Canada:
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Contact your Member of Parliament:
Email, telephone and write (Letters are sent free from constituents)
Tell them you are joining Courage for Freedom #ProjectMapleLeaf. Here is sample text that you can copy and paste:
Dear Member of Parliament/Senator:
I am writing to thank you for your public service in Canada for all Canadians.
I am gravely concerned about recent news articles with respect to the issues of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) from within and sent out from our borders.
I urge you to speak out publicly about the issues of gaps in protection, conduct of businesses and need for enforceable legislation for the protection, prevention against CSE of our most vulnerable citizens, children.
I request consideration of the following:
2. Share the New York Times article on your Twitter account, thanking author @NickKristof
3. Comment directly on the New York Times article to show support and ensure that pro-exploitation does not overtake the facts.
4. If you, or someone you know has been exploited online via Pornhub (Mindgeek), Twitter, Craigslist, Tinder, Reddit, or via any other sites or apps please reach out for help. Contact us to connect you to seek support and legal action.
As you join this movement, we will grow and raise awareness to eradicate human trafficking and sexual exploitation of our children with facts, solutions, and demand for answers together.
Thank you,
Courage for Freedom Team
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